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What Is React JS? Ultimate Forbidden Guide For Web Developers

Components of React.js

In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, web development is the right choice for your company. Finding the right tools and frameworks to create a strong, scalable, and user-friendly application is critical for your growing business. React JS is one of the most popular choices for developers today. But what exactly is React JS, and why has it become such a dominant force in the web development landscape? In this blog, we will go over the ins and outs of React JS, including its features, components, and much more, providing a thorough overview for both new and experienced developers.

What is React JS?

Feature of React.js

Do you know that Facebook created React JS?  React JS, also known as React, is an open-source JavaScript library for designing user interfaces, particularly for single-page applications that require a responsive and interactive user experience. React, which debuted in 2013, revolutionized web development with its component-based structure, making it easier to build intricate UIs using reusable components. It focuses on developing encapsulated components that manage their own state and can be combined to form sophisticated user interfaces.  React provides fast and seamless user interactions by efficiently updating and rendering components as data changes.

History of React.js

React JS, developed by Facebook in 2013, is an open-source JavaScript library that makes it easier to create dynamic and efficient user interfaces. It was developed by Jordan Walke, a Facebook software engineer. React’s component-based structure and virtual DOM make complex user interfaces easier to manage. React was created in response to the demand for interactive and real-time features in Facebook applications.  React quickly became popular in the tech industry due to its improved performance.  Its continuous evolution, aided by a dedicated community and updates such as the introduction of Hooks in 2018, cemented its position as the leading technology for modern web development.

Why do we need React JS for Web Development?

Before React, web development often involved directly manipulating the DOM (Document Object Model), a process that was both cumbersome and prone to errors. React simplifies this by using a virtual DOM, which serves as a lightweight replica of the actual DOM. When data changes, React first updates the virtual DOM and then compares it to the real DOM to efficiently apply updates. This strategy not only enhances performance but also ensures a smoother user experience. In addition, React’s component-based architecture enables developers to create reusable UI components, promoting code reusability and maintainability. This modular approach results in cleaner and more organized code, simplifying the management and scalability of web applications.

Now that we know why ReactJS is helpful to web development, let’s familiarize ourselves with the features of ReactJS.

Features of React JS Framework

React comes with a package of features that make it a quintessential choice  for web developers:

Component-Based Architecture

Benefits of React.js

React’s primary characteristic is its component-based architecture, which allows developers to build encapsulated components that handle their state and logic. These components are easily reusable throughout various sections of an application.

Virtual DOM

The virtual DOM is a lightweight representation of the real DOM, which React leverages to efficiently ascertain the necessary updates to maintain synchronization between the user interface and the underlying data.

Declarative Syntax

React’s declarative syntax enables developers to easily specify the appearance of the UI based on a particular state, enhancing the application’s clarity and simplifying the debugging process.

Unidirectional Data Flow

When using React, a one-way data flow is enforced. This allows passing data from parent to child components, simplifying the management and prediction of how UI changes will be affected by data modifications.

JSX (JavaScript XML)

JSX is a syntax extension that enables developers to write code resembling HTML within JavaScript, simplifying the process of creating and organizing UI components.


In React 16.8, the introduction of React Hooks enables developers to utilize state and other React functionalities without the need for class-based components. These hooks streamline state management and side effects, enhancing code readability and maintainability.

Components of React

How to create a website in React JS

React applications are made with the help of 2 components – functional and class. These are the building blocks of UI. Let us take a look at the two major components of React.

1. Functional Components

These JavaScript functions are simple. They take props as arguments and return React elements. Functional components show content on screen, making it easier to test and fix. Now with Hooks in React 16.8, functional components handle state and lifecycle. Before, only classes could.

2. Class Components

ES6 classes extend ‘React. Component’ and need a render method that returns a React element. Class components handle state and lifecycle methods. Hooks are now popular for their simplicity in handling states and effects efficiently.

But this doesn’t end here. These two components are further divided into 2 more components.

Stateful Components- These components keep track of their state. When there’s user input or any other changes, they update their state and re-render. Stateful components are super important for handling dynamic data and user interactions.

Stateless Components- Have you heard of presentational components? They don’t handle their state and instead rely on props from parent components. They’re typically used for displaying UI elements based on the input they receive.

In React, you can nest components inside each other to create a hierarchical structure that encourages reusability and modularity. So you can easily manage, test, and scale your applications. Breaking down the user interface into smaller, reusable components helps developers build more maintainable and efficient applications. So go ahead and start creating nested components in React to make your life easier!

Even after learning all the features and components of React, a question remains: What is the whole point of using React? Or how can React benefit us? So now read further to learn about the benefits React gives us. 

How to create a website in React JS?

To build a website with React JS, first set up your development environment with Node.js and npm. To get your project started, run npx create-react-app my-website in the terminal. This command will establish a new project directory that has all of the essential files and dependencies. Use cd my-website for access to this directory and npm start to launch the development server. Begin your development process by developing JSX-coded components, which are the basic building blocks of a React project. To handle dynamic content, use CSS or styled-components, as well as manage state and props. Improve your site by including libraries such as React Router for navigation and Redux for state management. Once your website is ready, use npm run to build the production version.

Some benefits of React JS

There are numerous benefits to using React JS in web development projects. React’s virtual DOM improves performance by optimizing, rendering, and reducing direct interactions with the real DOM. React’s component-based architecture enables developers to create reusable and modular UI components, making code management easier and promoting consistency throughout the application.  Its declarative nature results in more predictable and easier-to-maintain code because developers can specify how the UI should appear in any given state. React’s one-way data binding ensures that data flows only in one direction, making it easier to manage and debug the application.  React has a large and active community that contributes to its ecosystem by offering a plethora of resources, libraries, and third-party tools that can help accelerate development. The ecosystem is robust and supports a wide range of functionalities, including React Router for navigation and Redux for state management. React’s server-side rendering capabilities (via tools such as Next.js) can improve SEO by allowing search engines to crawl and index the content of React applications effectively. Furthermore, React is intended to work well with other libraries and frameworks, making it an adaptable option for incorporating various technologies into a project.

Examples of React JS-Used Projects

Examples are the best way to understand a product. React JS has shown its usefulness through various examples.


Facebook created React and widely uses it in the company’s user interface, demonstrating its ability to handle complex and dynamic applications.


Instagram’s web app is built with React, providing a smooth and interactive user experience for its millions of users.


Airbnb uses React to manage its complex user interface and provide a consistent experience for its customers.


React allows Netflix to provide a fast and responsive user interface for its streaming service, improving the overall user experience.

WhatsApp Web 

WhatsApp’s web application makes effective use of React to provide real-time messaging and notifications.

React JS disadvantages

While React JS has many great benefits, it does come with a few drawbacks. For beginners, the learning curve can be a bit tough, especially when diving into things like JSX and hooks. The React ecosystem is always changing, with constant updates and new features to keep up with, which can be a little overwhelming at times. For smaller projects, using simpler libraries or frameworks might be a better fit to avoid unnecessary overhead. Setting up server-side rendering for SEO can be a bit tricky and might require some extra tools and know-how. With so many tools and libraries in the React ecosystem, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the choices, but don’t worry; you’ll find the right ones for your needs with a little exploration and learning.

Final words….

React JS is essential for web development since it has a component-based structure, a virtual DOM, and an extensive support system. It is used for efficient applications, despite issues like learning curves and updates. If you are a business or developer looking to employ React JS for your Web projects, partnering with an organization like BLeap Digital Promotion could be the game changer you need. With our React JS and web development skills, we can assist you in developing strong, scalable, and user-centric applications that are suited to your unique needs.

At BLeap Digital, we excel at using the latest technology and frameworks for top web solutions. Our team, skilled in React JS, ensures high-standard web projects. So hurry!!