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Best programming language for the web application development

Best Programming languages

What is Web Application Development

Web applications are a functionality that link user requests and data, facilitating processes done by the server for programs or requests pertaining to email, social networking online shopping etc These programs run on a web server and interactions are channeled through browsers fulfilling user interaction

Evolution of Web Technologies

Evolution of web technologies and programming

In the early days of the internet, early web applications were built on simple HTML, this offered limited functionality and of course minimal interaction. As evolution continues AJAX, responsive design and mobile first approaches have transformed digital experiences making web development more robust and user friendly.

The Role of Programming Languages

Programming languages are of two types 

  • Front End – Here users interact with this technology
  • Back End – Here server side processing and business logic execution happens

Based on the project requirement a mixture of languages are finalized

Front end Development Languages

Front end development consists mainly of three languages

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript


HTML known as Hypertext Markup language, is the backbone of any web page or website, this language provides the basic layout of the entire website and elements

Features of HTML

  • Defines the structure and layout of website and landing page
  • Improves accessibility
  • Enhance SEO through the use of elements such as <header>, <footer>, <section>
  • Insert and Embed multimedia content
  • Forms to capture user input

Advantages of HTML

  • Easy of use
  • Supported by all browsers
  • Essential for creating any webpage
  • Can be further styled with CSS and further functionality boosted with javascript

Disadvantages of HTML

Language is limited to static content

Requires CSS+Javascript to further improve the experience

Vulnerable to security issues if not implemented correctly

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

CSS controls the visual representation of a web page or website.


CSS is used to improve the look and feel of web pages

Used in responsive design to adapt to different mobile devices and screen sizes

Animations such as transitions and visual effects can be facilitated

With the help of Grid and Flexbox CSS can be further used for complex designs


Reusable styles across all pages of the website or to just one particular page

Lots of design possibilities

Can be used to design precisely of the page or site layout

CSS can adapt to Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Mobile screens

Can be used to reduce page load time 

Can be easily update for maintaining the design


Complex for large projects

All features are not compatible on all browsers

May display inconsistently across different browsers

Large CSS files can increase load time


Javascript is a programming language used to make the page interactive and dynamic

Features and Use Cases of Javascript

Can respond to user interaction like clicks, hover and for submissions

With the help of AJAX and fetch API communication is established with the server for carrying out tasks with the need for reloading the page.

Complex calculations, business logic can be implemented through this programming language

Advantages of Javascript

With dynamic elements user experience is enhanced

Can be used for implementing a wide range of functionalities

User interaction is managed well 

Disadvantages of Javascript

Security can be exploited through cross site scripting

May slow down the page

Code execution varies based on browser

Debugging in large applications is challenging

Frameworks and Libraries

framework and Libraries


With its component based architecture single page applications can be built. React is more of a Javascript library.

Features & Use Cases of React

Reusable components

Can manage states, side effects in functional components

Dynamic routing is enabled for single page applications

Advantages of React

Efficient updates

Encourages reusable components

Extensive support

Used in both web and mobile app development

Powerful debugging and development tools

Disadvantages of React

Difficult to learn

Requires additional setup & configurations

Development is rapid hence keeping the knowledge up to date is challenging.

State management without libraries can be tricky

Overwhelming because of extensive information and possible different approaches


Angular, developed by Google, is ideal for building complex web applications.

Features & Use Cases of Angular

Can synchronize data between model and the view

Component management dependency is efficient

HTML can be extended with custom attributes and elements

Can handle asynchronous data streams

A command line interface to manage angular projects

Advantages of Angular

All in one solution for large scale applications ranging from built in tools for routing to forms

Ideal programming language for enterprise level applications

Built in testing tools and framework support for unit and a complete end to end testing

Since developed by Google, a full community support for further development and support

Disadvantages of Angular

Learning is very extensive with too many options for configuration

May be slower framework because of complexity

Requires more configuration and more boilerplate code

Updates can cause breaking changes which will again require a significant amount of recoding


A progressive Javascript framework ideal for building user interfaces, this programming  language can incrementally adopt

Features & Use Case of Vue.js

DOM is updated automatically when the data changes

Components are maintainable and reusable

DOM manipulation is simplified

Command Line Interface for project scaffolding and management

Seamless integration for building single page applications

Advantages of Vue.js

Gradually can in integrated into large projects

Framework is light and fast with a low run time

Easy to learn with a lot of support in documentation available on the internet

Community support and an ecosystem of plugins and extensions

Disadvantages of Vue.js

Smaller community compared to other languages like React & Angular, could mean fewer resources

Lesser 3rd party resources and enterprise tools compared to other programming languages

Smaller job market

Large scale applications may  require additional libraries and tools

Diverse approach and tools can cause an inconsistency in project setup and best practices

Emerging Frontend Technologies

As technology evolves, so are new tools emerging in the market. One specific programming language by the name of Svelte compiles the code at build time hence significantly reducing the run time, other languages like Next.js renders on the server hence improving load time and favoring SEO.


A type of Javascript framework that moves much of the work resulting in efficient and fast runtimes

Features & Use cases of Svelte

Transforms the code at build time hence reducing run time

It simplifies State management

Javascript sent to client is reduced

Framework designed for reusable and maintainable code

Provision for built in animations

Advantages of Svelte

Fast run times

Easy syntax and minimal boilerplate

State management is easier 

Simplified animation creation & transition

Disadvantages of Svelte

Small community and few resources

This programming language is still new in the market with limited community support

Limited plugins and extensions

Some tools and libraries do not fully support svelte yet


A react framework for server side rendering and static site generation with an enhanced performance and SEO favoring characteristics

Features and Use Cases of Next.js

Pages are rendered on server hence reducing loading time

Renders pages at build time, for the best performance

You can build API endpoints with the same application

Initial load time is reduced by splitting code into small chunks

Images are automatically optimized

Advantages of Next.js

Because of reduced load times ideal application for SEO

Ideal for client side rendering, which is good for versatile development

Ideal for building applications large and small applications

Extensive plugin library with a vibrant strong community

Disadvantages of Next.js

Prerequisite understanding of SSR & SSG concepts, which is quite complex for beginners

Additional setup is required for use in advanced cases

You need to learn next.js specific concept in addition to learning to react

May have longer build time for complex and large applications

SSR needs a server environment, hence can complicate when deploying and scaling

Backend Development Languages

Backend Development languages


Is basically a run time environment which allows JavaScript to be used for server side scripting

It is lightweight & efficient

Features and Use Cases of Node.js

  • Can handle multiple connections continuously by using a loop.
  • Improved performance by handling I/O operations asynchronously
  • Uses a java for both front end and back end.
  • Has extensive library of modules and packages
  • Due to its lightweight ideal for building microservices


Efficient in handling numerous synchronous connections

Development is simplified as javascript can be used across the stack

Huge collection of package which can be installed through NPM

Ideal for application that require real time updates. Example chats, live notifications


Due to is asynchronous nature, it may lead to complex and nested callbacks

Heavy on resources for CPU

Libraries and tools are less mature when compared to other ecosystems

Can be vulnerable if dependencies are not managed correctly

This is typically an event driven programming language and asynchronous in nature which is challenging to learn for beginners


Python is a very popular language known for simplicity & readability. Python supports many programming paradigms some of them are procedural object-oriented & functional programming.

Features & Use Cases of Python

  • Code is easily readable, with clear and concise syntax
  • Has a rich standard library and many 3rd party libraries.
  • Can be used in web development, data analysis and artificial intelligence and many more applications
  • Some of the popular frameworks are Django & Flask
  • Recommended for data manipulation and analysis

Advantages of Python

  • Easy to learn and read. Beginner friendly in nature
  • Can be used widely from Web development to data science
  • Python is high on productivity with faster development cycles
  • Very vast and strong community
  • Can be easily integrated with other languages and technologies

Disadvantages of Python

  • Slow in compilation when in comparison languages such as C++, Java etc
  • Multi threaded applications can be a bottleneck because of Global interpreter Lock
  • Not recommended for Mobile App development
  • High on memory usage in comparison to other programming languages
  • In certain scenarios dependencies management can be complex


The ruby on rails framework is popular for web development. Known for its dynamic, object oriented programming language in nature it is also simple and productive.

Features and Use Cases of Ruby

  • In Ruby language programming the code is reusable
  • Development is faster
  • Code is human readable
  • Recommended for development of web applications and APIs

Advantages of Ruby

Development is rapid because of Ruby on Rails

Code is readable

Lots of online resources with strong community support

Powerful and flexible coding capability

Disadvantages of Ruby

  • Slower than other languages
  • Less efficient in handling multi threading
  • Hosting options are fewer when compared to PHP or Java
  • Can be complex for Beginners
  • Challenge in scaling for very large applications


Widely used scripting language in web development. Embedded in HTML and make the web application more dynamic and interactive.

Features and Use Cases of PHP

  • Integrates with HTML easily, ideal to make the web page interactive and dynamic
  • Strong support for MySQL, PostgreSQL databases
  • Executes on server and generated on the HTML and sent to the client side
  • Some popular frameworks are Laravel, Symfony & CodeIgniter

Advantages of PHP

  • Easy to learn, develop & deploy
  • Works with a majority of databases and web servers
  • Strong community, extensive resources and support
  • Since this language is open source libraries and tools are free
  • Used in majority of the content systems globally

Disadvantages of PHP

  • Highly prone to security vulnerabilities
  • Slower in compilation when compared to other languages
  • Viewed as less modern when compared to other languages
  • Scaling is challenge when implemented for very large applications


Java is class based, object oriented programming language with few implementation dependencies as possible, mainly used for building enterprise-scale applications.

Features and Use Cases of Java

  • WORA – Write Once Run Anywhere capability
  • Strong memory management
  • Strong Error handling capability
  • IDeal for Large Scale Applications
  • Some popular frameworks are Spring, Hibernate, (JSF) Java Server Faces
  • Mostly used in banking, finance & large-scale enterprise applications

Advantages of Java

  • Efficient execution
  • Any device which has Java Virtual Machine can run the code
  • Strong Security Features
  • A Robust ecosystem
  • Strong community and extensive documentation

Disadvantages of Java

  • High memory usage compared to other languages
  • Verbose programming language
  • High learning curve for beginners
  • Long startup time, when compared to other development languages
  • Requires a high system resources for development, compiling and execution

Framework and Ecosystems


Express is basically a flexible Node.js web application framework with a robust set of features for web and mobile applications

Features & Use Cases

  • Can handle different HTTP requests & patterns
  • Middleware is used to requests and responses
  • Can be integrated with engines like Pug, EJS Etc
  • Recommended in building RESTful APIs
  • Lightweight in nature hence generally used in microservices architecture

Advantages of Express.js

  • Lightweight and Fast
  • Highly customizable, so developers can build applications in their preferred way
  • Middleware support for handling tasks like authentication and logging
  • Extensive ecosystem of plugins
  • Strong community support with regular updates

Disadvantages of Express.js

  • Because of minimalist approach makes it hard to manage large applications
  • Separate libraries required for Object Relational Mapping
  • Due to nest callbacks hard to maintain code
  • Challenging to learn


High level python framework which includes built in features like authentication, ORM and admin interface.

Features and Use Cases

  • Can map database tables to python objects
  • Generates customizable admin interface
  • It has a protection built in against security threats like SQL injection, cross site scripting
  • Templates are used to render HTML with dynamic content
  • Ideal for large and small applications

Advantages of DJango

  • With so many builtin features development process can be sped up
  • Strong Security features are built in 
  • Automatically can generate powerful and customizable admin interfaces
  • Apt for small and large applications

Disadvantages of DJango

  • All all inclusive approach for simple applications can lead to a steep learning curve
  • Less flexible and restrictive for certain use cases
  • Abundance of built in features
  • Challenging to learn due to it comprehensive features and conventions
  • Heavy for applications that do not require the full suite of features


As you can see with so many programming languages for Front End, Back End & frameworks with so many features advantages and disadvantages, one should consider before finalizing a project. As per a survey conducted by Stack Overflow 65.36% of developers reported using Javascript. Keeping up with trends and following community discussions will help you make informed choices that align to your development goals

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