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Home » The Only Blog You Need to Read for Content Optimization. It’s A Promise!

The Only Blog You Need to Read for Content Optimization. It’s A Promise!

By far the best blog which explains content optimization in the easiest way. 

So you dreamed of earning money from the web. Perhaps every article you read so far has taught you how to create your own website easily. You did all that’s required from Search Engine Optimization to sharing your website link with friends and yet, ~ insert dramatic pause ~ AND YET Uncle Google doesn’t seem to like your presence online. Hey, we know that hurts a lot. Now don’t pout!

You’re probably wondering why your site did not reach the audience that you imagined it would. Well, we did the research.  

Turns out, your relationship with Uncle Google is complicated. Oops!

It’s okay…we’ll help you be google’s favourite, pinky promise.

1. What the hell is this BIG WORD, “Content Optimization”?

We can try and explain like you’re 5. Don’t worry!


  1. Content: 

              /ˈkɒn.tent/  We know you know this. (…unless, you’re pretending to be 3 now)

  1. Optimisation:  

                    /ˌɒp.tɪ.maɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/  “The act of making something as good as possible”.

So basically, in this case, ensuring that your content is good in the eyes of the readers first to let Google realize later that Miss.Poppins from Florida liked reading your content a few days ago. And so did her neighbours. Phew!

2.  Things (or) People You Need To be Google’s Favourite:

Now that you know what is Content Optimisation, let’s know what all things/people you need to make your site look “damn, so good!”:

  1. Pen
  2. Notepad
  3. SEO Expert
  4. Content Writer/Copywriter
  5. Time (Extra, if you’re on your own). (Yeah, we know it sucks to be single. Reach out to us right away, and we’ll figure out the best way for you by today EOD!!)

SKIP HERE if you’re an SEO Expert

SKIP HERE if you’re a Content Writer/Copywriter

DON’T SKIP AND READ FULLY if you’re on your own. 😭

3. All You Need to Do in SEO

STEP 1: Scroll and Skim through the Page Structure

  • No one wants to stay on a site that has all the information crammed up. So, open the page, and just take a look at the page structure – whether it has a title, a subtitle, images, sub-headings and of course, enough white space.
  • See if the title written by the content writer is attractive enough to engage the readers. 
  • And then check if the page is user-friendly i.e., there’s no lag in loading the content, presence of header and footer, check if all the dropdown boxes are easily accessible, presence of search bar, if “Contact Us” details are right, and finally, an easy payment gateway.  
  • You definitely want your readers to stay on your site for a lonnnngggg time. So, check if internal links for other pages/blogs are attached within the content, and if it is, then is it directing them to the right page, etc. 
  • While you examine all of this, also check if the content is not old and is updated. Nothing frustrates the reader more than old information which cannot be applied to the present time. Fresh content on the other hand, builds trust. True story!

STEP 2: Keyword Crosscheck

To see if you have employed the right keywords, what you can do is Google Search the keyword you took and then from the top 3 sites that appear on your screen, check their meta title and description. 

Usually, the focus keyword is attached in their meta title and secondary keywords can be found in their meta description. 

Read this slowly: Now employ those keywords in the same manner for your meta title and description to increase your site’s click-through rating. That’s it!

You’ve got this!

STEP 3: URL Guidelines

The rules are simple for the link of your page – check if it has

  • only 60 characters
  • 1 main keyword
  • in lowercase
  • only-hyphens-are-encouraged – not any other special characters please ~ !@#$% ~

STEP 4: Image optimisation 

Yes, image optimization is a thing! You would be surprised to know how important it is. Underrated though, clearly.

To do this, check if the image uploaded:

  • is within 100 kb 
  • is in webp format not jpeg
  • has high quality
  • is saved in a related name only. Ex: If the image talks about content optimisation, save it in your PC as “content optimisation for beginners” or something like that.
  • has a keyword in the alt text because apparently search engines read the alt text and not the images.

Do not dance on Shakira before checking who exactly has mentioned you on their webpage. Sometimes, it could be from a spam site too. So, check if the webpage that mentioned you is of high quality only. 

Clear this checklist and get some rest now. You deserve that. 👏

SEO Checklist :

Scroll and Skim through the Page Structure

Keyword Crosscheck

URL Guidelines

Image optimisation 

Backlinks are of High Quality

4. All You Need to Do in Content Writing

STEP 1: Have a Voice

Question: Do you relate with Barney Stinson or the Gossip Girl or even Chandler Bing from Friends? 

Then for the love of humanity, use your voice in *every* content!

Your blogs should translate how you speak in real life. So, (…we say this with love, but…) stop being robotic and show your quirky/serious/funny personality out to your readers.  

Take the email sign offs for example. You can sign off with a simple:

  • Warm Regards to show professionalism
  • Here if you need me to sound friendly
  • Happy Reading to sound casual 
  • Can’t wait! to sound excited
  • I’m out to sound fun, and so on…

Trust us when we say “Every website has a voice, and every writer is on the verge of having a multiple personality disorder”. It depends on your target audience majorly. All you have to do is align the voice of your website with the correct target audience. Like, you cannot be using gen-z abbreviations like ROFL or LMAO if your business caters to the audience above 30s. That would be disappointing. 

You might be unaware, but not employing a voice in your website is a rookie mistake. Avoid it at any cost. 

Step 2: Let the Content Flow

What was the last story or blog that you read? Re-read it again. You probably must have found it engaging because it had a flow in it. Identify them and employ them in your writing too. The content flows with the help of connecting words or statements like 

  •  You’re right to wonder…
  •  Picture it this way… etc.

Apart from this, you should note that website content is always easy to read. Keyword: ALWAYS. It also has CTA attached in the right place to persuade the audience into taking the required action. All this constitutes the flow of the content. That’s why it’s important to be *real* good with this. 

STEP 3: Catch even a slow learner’s attention

Content flow is not everything. Sometimes to catch the reader’s small attention span, you have to use some tricks like 

  • Asking questions. 


  1.  Can I get an Amen? 
  2. Wanna take a guess? 
  • Using catchy words, capitals and emojis all the time. 


  1. Exclusive

2.  One-time-only

3.  ALWAYS     

4. 🥳🔥

The engagement achieved through this goes for a longer period of time.

STEP 4: Proofread Always

Okay, now you cannot neglect the importance of sitting on the editor’s chair and proofreading your content. There’s always going to be something that you must have ignored. That’s why it’s a good idea to proofread the content for grammar mistakes, content freshness, and find opportunities to add some magic to your existing content. 

Quick Tip: Prominent writers first write everything they know about the topic and later(prolly after a day or two), edit it. They say multiple rounds of editing is what makes the content truly magical. 

Also, remember to NEVER plagiarize the content. Take influence, yes, but don’t plagiarize. Say if you really like someone’s content and wish to use it, then please give credits wherever due. But don’t – well, this deserves to be said in all caps – DO NOT PLAGIARIZE ANY CONTENT. 

STEP 5: Rewrite if the content is from AI tools

There are many self-proclaimed content Guru-s out there who’ll preach you to use AI for generating content. 


Yes, we know AI makes your job much easier by saving you soooo much time and hard work, but dear lord, it’s not your friend – No, never, nada. 

Here’s why: We have tried AI to write content and found that it generates the most basic generic content, in a language that humans hardly ever use in their everyday life. And because of this the audience will not be able to connect emotionally and thus, your product/service will NEVER sell. 

See, the logic is simple. You gotta impress your audience. And only you can see what they are like. Not an AI. Of course, AI tools can help with research, but it should never be trusted to have a first hand in writing creative content. So, our final but the most important advice to you is that, if you have written any content using AI, rewrite on your own and see the difference in results. You can thank us later, sweetie 🙂 

Content Writer’s Checklist



Catches even a slow learner’s attention


Rewrite if the content is from AI tools

Oh, here’s a very important tip that we almost forgot to say: Content Optimisation is not a one-time thing. You have to deal with it periodically. ‘Cause by now we all know that EVERYTHING changes: time, people, mood, disney channel, and whatnot. Remember, your content is only hot only if they are *up-to-date*. We can pretty much paraphrase Steve Jobs’ mantra here, and just go on to say, Stay Updated, Stay Hot!

There you have it: Easiest Ever Content Optimization Guide 2024 from the best digital marketing company in HSR Layout!

It was satisfying to help you!!! You can still FEEL FREE to comment below and ask us more questions about Content Optimisation or leave your easy tips for others. Because why not? The world is a bit better place to live when we help all, leaving aside our petty insecurities. 

Now see you in yet another helpful blog! 

Here if you need us,

Team BLeap. ❤️