The Art of SEO: Top 10 Strategies to Boost Your Rankings

The Art of SEO: Top 10 Strategies to Boost Your Rankings

Search engine optimization is a tricky game to master. With the constant changes to Google’s algorithms and the introduction of new search features, it’s a challenge for businesses to keep up with the ever-changing landscape. However, if you want your website to succeed online, you need a strong SEO strategy in place. SEO is not an easy task and requires patience, planning, and dedication. It can be tricky and complicated at times, but once you get that first result from your keyword ranking (hopefully at the top), everything feels worth it. We have compiled our top 10 strategies to boost your rankings as an art of SEO expert.

Define your SEO goals and metrics

First things first, you need to figure out what your goals are and how you will measure your success. You can’t improve what you don’t measure, so it’s important to set up some metrics and goals to keep track of your progress and know if you are on the right track. These metrics can include the number of organic visits to the site, the number of times users stay on the site, the number of leads generated from organic search, or even the amount of revenue generated from organic search. Another option is to set up goals for your keyword ranking. You can do this by choosing a keyword with a low difficulty score and setting a goal to get to the first page of Google for that keyword.

Create killer content

Content is king and always will be. If you want to be successful on the internet, you’ve got to have killer content. There are two ways to go about this – you can either create new content or optimize existing content. If you have the budget, we recommend doing both. However, if you don’t, start by optimizing the existing content. Why? Because creating new content is a time-consuming process. With Google’s algorithms putting more emphasis on quality content, you need to be adding to your site regularly, especially if you want to rank for a lot of long-tail keywords. While there is no right or wrong way to do this, we recommend following these steps: – Define your persona: First, you need to figure out who your target audience is. Once you have a persona in mind, you can create content that appeals to their needs and desires. – Break down the buyer’s journey: Next, break down the buyer’s journey. This will help you better understand why your customers are searching for certain things and where they are in their journey. – Create an outline: Now that you know who your target audience is and what they are looking for, you can start creating an outline for your content. – Add value: Make sure each piece of content you publish adds value to your readers. – Create a content calendar: Make sure you’re publishing new content on a regular basis and that you have a content calendar in place so you don’t forget about it.

Establish social proof

Having social proof is important for a number of reasons, especially when it comes to SEO. It shows Google that your site is popular and that it is an authority in its niche. Plus, it makes your site more trustworthy and can encourage people to purchase your products or services, which can lead to more leads for your business. There are a few ways you can go about establishing social proof: – Get testimonials: Ask your past clients to leave you a positive testimonial. If you have the budget, consider hiring a professional photographer to take headshots of you and your staff and create professional images for your site and social media. You can also ask clients to leave reviews on your site or on one of your social media accounts.

Make your site user-friendly

Your site needs to be user-friendly if you want your SEO to succeed. When users are searching for information or products and services, they usually click on the first few results. However, if they see a site that’s not user-friendly, they will most likely click away. Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to create a blog that is so simple a toddler could use it. It simply means that your site needs to be easy to navigate and have a logical flow. There are a few things you can do to ensure your site is user-friendly: – Make navigation menus easy to understand and click. – Break each page down into short paragraphs. – Keep images and content relevant to your product or service. – Make sure your content is written in proper English.

Incorporate ad copy for keywords

People usually click on the ads at the top of the page when they are searching for something. However, not many clicks on the organic results. Incorporating the keywords you want to rank for into your ad copy can help increase the click-through rate of your ads. This, in turn, will help you boost your rankings for those keywords. You can either create ad copy for each of your products or you can create ad copy for your brand and include your keyphrase in the ad copy.

Leverage browser-based search features

There are a few browser-based search features that can help you boost your rankings. These features include: – Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): This is a new feature that Google launched in October 2017. It allows you to create a stripped-down page that loads quickly on mobile devices. AMP can be beneficial for e-commerce websites that sell products on mobile devices, but only if you have a strong SEO strategy in place. – Autocomplete: When users start typing a search query in the search bar, Google automatically predicts the next words they will type. You can see this feature when you’re typing a query in the search bar and the suggestions change as you type. You can also see it when you’re clicking on a suggested query on the search results page.

Synonym finder to identify keywords

When you’re creating content for your website, you should always be looking for synonyms for your primary keyword. This will help you expand your potential audience and will help you rank for more keywords. Here are a few synonym finders that you can use to find synonyms for your keywords: – Thesaurus: If you are familiar with the Thesaurus, you can use this tool to find synonyms for your keywords. – Google AdWords Keyword Planner: This is a great tool to find synonyms for your keywords. You can use this tool to find new ideas and expand your reach.

Boost ad visibility with colour psychology

There is a reason why certain colours are used in marketing. Different colours evoke different emotions in people. You can use colour psychology to make your ads more visible and click-worthy. You can do this by using the colour of your logo or using colours that represent your brand. For example, let’s say you sell yoga apparel. You can use a combination of orange and blue to represent your brand. Orange is a warm, friendly colour, whereas blue is a cool colour that represents trustworthiness. Orange and blue together represent creativity and trustworthiness, which is exactly what you want potential customers to think of when they see your ads. Another option is to choose a colour that represents your target audience. If your target audience is women, you can use pink or purple to make your ads more visible.


SEO is important for any business that wants to generate leads and sales online. The good news is that SEO isn’t as complicated as it used to be, but it’s also not as simple as it could be. With a little bit of effort, you can optimize your website to get the best search engine ranking possible, and with that, tons of potential new customers.